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Sludge Screw Conveyor Price

jalal afsarFriday February-17 2023  17:07:42 construction works no comments

Sludge Screw Conveyor Price: $600.00-$2600.00/set

Sludge Screw Conveyor Price

What are the factors affecting Sludge Screw Conveyor Price?


The material of Sludge Screw Conveyor is divided into two types: carbon steel and stainless steel. Among them, stainless steel has high wear resistance, and can also avoid the problem of Sludge Screw Conveyor being rusted by water during transportation, and improve the performance of Sludge Screw Conveyor. The service life, so the price of stainless steel material will be higher than that of carbon steel material, and the price difference will be about $400.00 more.


Different models of Sludge Screw Conveyor have different delivery lengths and output. The length of a Sludge Screw Conveyor is about $120.00 per meter. In addition to the length, the inclination angle, pipe diameter thickness, and motor power also directly affect the price. The specific price can be determined according to the working environment and materials. Feature selection model.


Sludge Screw Conveyor can be designed according to user requirements, such as: output, conveying length, etc. The price of sludge screw conveyors with different designs is different, and the specific choice should be made according to the actual situation of the user.

The above is the introduction about Sludge Screw Conveyor Price.

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