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Auger Feeder Size and Model

jalal afsarMonday February-13 2023  09:48:32 construction works no comments

 When customers purchase Auger Feeder, in addition to considering whether the screw feeder can achieve the handling capacity of the materials they want to convey, the conveying efficiency and service life of the screw feeder, they will also consider whether the purchased screw feeder can Installed in its production space, then you need to know the size and model of Auger Feeder. The following are specific instructions on Auger Feeder Size and Model:

Dahan Auger Feeder mainly includes GX Auger Feeder, LS Auger Feeder, WLS Auger Feeder and U Auger Feeder.

1. GX Auger Feeder

GX Auger Feeder

Its models mainly include: GX150, GX200, GX250, GX300, GX400, GX500, GX600.

GX Auger Feeder is widely used in chemical industry, building materials, metallurgy and other industries. It is suitable for conveying horizontal or inclined powdery and granular materials, and the inclination angle is less than 20 degrees. The advantages of its conveying are that it can load and unload materials at multiple points, has high sealing performance, simple operation and low cost.

The detailed technical parameters are as follows:

Specification Main technical performance drive unit drive unit weight
diameter length
Conveying capacity
Rotating speed
reducer electric motor
model speed ratio model power
GX200 -10 9 60 JZQ250 23.34 Y90S-4 1.1 726
GX200 -20 9 60 JZQ250 23.34 Y90L-4 1.5 1258
GX250 -10 15.6 60 JZQ250 23.34 Y100L2-4 2.2 960
GX250 -20 15.6 60 JZQ250 23.34 Y100L1-4 3 1750
GX300 -10 21.2 60 JZQ350 23.34 Y100L2-4 3 1373
GX300 -20 21.2 60 JZQ350 23.34 Y112M-4 4 2346
GX400 -10 51 60 JZQ400 23.34 Y132S-4 5.5 1911
GX400 -20 51 60 JZQ500 23.34 Y160M-4 11 2049
GX500 -10 87.5 60 JZQ400 23.34 Y132M-4 7.5 2381
GX500 -20 87.5 60 JZQ650 23.34 Y180M-4 18.5 5389
GX600 -10 134.2 45 JZQ750 23.34 Y180L-4 22 3880
GX600 -10 134.2 45 JZQ850 23.34 Y250M-4 55 7090

The design drawing of GX Auger Feeder is as follows:

The size table is as follows

model W A B C D N R Y L K M S P O H V J T G
GX150 2000 170 236 216 10 8 190 190 112 140 100 135 17 270 110 160 16 195 1000、1500、2000
GX200 2500 220 306 272 10 8 220 190 112 180 200 165 25 308 140 200 16 250 1500
GX250 2500 270 356 330 10 8 270 190 140 220 195 28 356 200 260 20 300
GX300 2500 320 428 385 14 8 300 190 214 270 225 28 443 240 320 20 350
GX400 3000 420 528 492 14 8 350 190 224 340 300 280 30 533 320 400 25 430 1500
GX500 3000 528 662 612 17 8 450 190 280 400 340 35 662 400 500 25 490
GX600 3000 628 762 720 17 8 550 190 255 500 430 40 760 500 600 30 560

2. LS Auger Feeder

LS Auger Feeder

Model: LS100, LS200, LS250, LS315, LS400, LS500, LS600, etc.

LS-type Auger Feeder is an improved Auger Feeder of GX, mainly used to transport granular and powdery materials, such as: cement, sewage, fertilizer, etc., and the inclination angle does not exceed 15 degrees. Its transportation advantages are large transportation capacity, large bearing capacity, convenient installation and maintenance, and long service life.

The detailed technical parameters are as follows:

LS Auger Feeder outline dimension design drawing is as follows:

The size table is as follows:

model W A B C D N Q Y L K R S P O H V J T G L
LS100 2500 100 180 146 10 4 180 190 90 112 180 112 60 178 120 160 14 163 1500
LS160 2500 160 240 206 10 4 200 190 112 150 200 150 60 270 120 160 14 190
LS200 3000 200 300 256 14 8 225 190 112 180 225 180 60 308 160 200 14 212
LS250 3000 250 350 306 14 8 250 190 140 224 250 224 60 336 200 250 18 240 40000-
LS315 3000 315 425 370 14 8 330 190 214 280 390 250 60 443 300 350 20 340
LS400 3000 400 500 456 14 8 3580 190 224 355 390 280 60 533 320 400 24 384
LS500 3000 500 600 556 14 8 400 190 280 400 400 340 80 662 400 500 24 440 2000
LS630 3000 630 730 686 14 8 450 190 355 500 450 420 80 763 500 630 24 555
LS800 3000 800 920 868 18 16 550 340 450 630 550 520 80 970 632 800 30 650
LS1000 3000 1000 1120 1068 18 16 650 360 560 710 650 630 80 1190 710 1000 30 760 6000-60000
LS1250 3000 1250 1370 1318 18 16 800 380 710 800 800 760 80 1440 800 1250 30 910

3.WLS Auger Feeder

WLS Auger Feeder

Model: WLS100, WLS160, WLS200, WLS250, WLS500, WLS800, WLS1000, WLS1250, etc.

WLS Auger Feeder is mainly used to transport the dirt separated from the grid decontamination, such as: sludge, semi-fluid and other substances. The advantage of its conveying is that the conveying volume is larger, which is 1.5 times that of the LS type with the same diameter, the conveying without bearing is smoother, it can be sealed with a cover, and the pollution is less.

The detailed technical parameters and size chart are as follows:

Model WLS150 WLS200 WLS250 WLS300 WLS400 WLS500
Spiral diameter(mm) 150 184 237 284 365 470
Outer diameter(mm) 180 219 273 351 402 500
Incline degree(a) 0 °-30 ° 0 °-30 ° 0 °-30 ° 0 °-30 ° 0 °-30 ° 0 °-30 °
Max Length(m) 12 13 16 18 22 25
Capacity(t/h) 2.4 7 9 13 18 28
Motor Model L ≤ 7 Y90L-4 Y100L1-4 Y100L2-4 Y132S-4 Y160M-4 Y160M-4
Power kW L ≤ 7 1.5 2.2 3 5.5 11 11
Model L>7 Y100L1-4 Y100L2-4 Y112M-4 Y132M-4 Y160L-4 Y160L-4
Power kW L>7 2.2 3 4 7.5 15 15Notes : The parameter above is just for reference, Model please inquiry us directly. We accept customization.

The design drawing of WLS Auger Feeder is as follows:

4.U-shaped Auger Feeder

U-shaped Auger Feeder

Model: U200, U250, U300, U400, U500, U600, etc.

The U-shaped Auger Feeder is conveyed horizontally, fed openly, and the inclination angle does not exceed 25 degrees. It can be divided into single-axis drive screw and double-axis drive screw. Its biggest advantage is good sealing, dust will not fly, and it is suitable for the transportation of materials with certain requirements on the environment.

The detailed technical parameters are as follows:

Specification Main technical performance drive unit drive unit Weight (kg)
diameter length (m) Output (cement) t/h speed(min) reducer electric motor
model speed ratio Power(kw)
U 200 -10 9 60 ZQ250 23.34 1.1 726
U 200 -20 9 60 ZQ250 23.34 1.5 1258
U 250 -10 15.6 60 ZQ250 23.34 2.2 960
U 250 -20 15.6 60 ZQ250 23.34 3 1750
U 300 -10 21.2 60 ZQ350 23.34 3 1373
U 300 -20 21.2 60 ZQ350 23.34 4 2346
U 400 -10 51 60 ZQ400 23.34 5.5 1911
U 400 -20 51 60 ZQ500 23.34 11 2049
U 500 -10 87.5 60 ZQ400 23.34 7.5 2381
U 500 -20 87.5 60 ZQ650 23.34 18.5 5389
U 600 -10 134.2 45 ZQ750 23.34 22 3880
U 600 -10 134.2 45 ZQ850 23.34 55 7090

The design drawing of U-shaped Auger Feeder is as follows:

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